Key Indicator - 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

Metric No.




Total number of students admitted and sanctioned seats during last five years


percentage for the year 2016-2017 is 114.74
percentage for the year 2017-2018 is 113.27

percentage for the year 2018-2019 is 126.10
percentage for the year 2019-2020 is 115.42

percentage for the year 2020-2021 is 111.86
Average enrolment percentage for the last five years is 116.27


Additional information:

Documents related to college affiliation and information of various courses offered


Total number seats earmarked and actual students admitted from the Reserved Category during last five years


percentage for the year 2016-2017 is 114.45
percentage for the year 2017-2018 is 112.38

percentage for the year 2018-2019 is 124,63
percentage for the year 2019-2020 is 114.62

percentage for the year 2020-2021 is 110.34
 Average percentage for the last five years is 115.28



Additional information:

Documents related to Reservation Policy and its regulation in the institution 



Key Indicator - 2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

Metric No.




Assessing the learning levels of students


 The college adapts to provide a collaborative learning environment to students. So there is no structured programme for assessing the learning levels of students and categorizing them into advanced and slow learners.

The College assesses the learning levels of students on the basis of information gathered about them at the time of admission process, where the TICs also take part in both Pre & Post-Pandemic scenarios. The learning levels of students are also assessed by individual teachers in the first few weeks after the commencement of classes. This is ensured on the basis of ongoing interactions and continuous evaluation based on the students’ performance in lectures, tutorials, and participation in class activities during the first few weeks to identify those who may require additional support.The students identified as comparatively slow in coping up with the pace of learning are addressed by teachers in staffroom (1-1 approach), and are also assisted by giving additional readings for the concerned topic. They are also counseled during tutorials and mentoring programs in small groups, and if required such students are given remedial lectures to help them cope with the program of their choice.


Total number of students enrolled and total number of full time teachers


Student-full time teacher ratio for the latest completed academic year is 32.5: 1




Key Indicator - 2.3 Teaching ï¿½ Learning Process

Metric No.




Student-centric methods of all Departments


The various departments of our College have been proactively engaged in using inter-disciplinary and student-centric methods for enhancing the learning experiences of students. Apart from the classroom teaching, teachers from various departments have been using tutorial and mentorship periods to encourage student interaction and make the process of learning more participatory.

Teachers have also been using online Research databases provided by the UGC-Inflibnet/JSTOR, SHODHGANGA etc for bringing updated learning materials into the classroom. Various activities like debates, quizzes, educational trips, movie/documentary screenings, class presentations, and group discussions on different contemporary issues and subject related issues have been common across departments for encouraging experiential learning.

The different online platforms such Google Classroom and Google Drive have always been used by teachers in different departments even before the crisis brought about by the global Pandemic to ensure better exchange of learning aids between teachers and students. Other online platforms like Google Meet and Zoom were instantly adapted for teaching learning by the respective departments when the Covid’19 crisis hit us all.


ICT enabled tools used for effective teaching-learning process


The role of a teacher is subjected to a paradigm shift i.e. from a teacher centric to a student centric teaching and in this connection majority of teaching learning process is changed especially in response to the pandemic from regular chalk and talk (TRADITIONAL) to use of ICT TOOLS such as zoom, Google meet, Google classroom, Microsoft teams (COLLEGE INSTITUTIONAL PLATFORM). The college frequently checks and updates its ICT TOOLS such as projectors, laptops and Wi-Fi facilities to provide a seamless connectivity to students and staff. Presently the college has 3 Wi-Fi connections to enable staff members to work and take their classes online. The details of the plans are as follows:

1.Motilal (300Mbps Plan)

2.Tenda_745A40 (100 MbpsPlan)

3.Canon (DU)

To keep our students and teachers in pace with the changing scenario, the library is regularly engaged with providing online resources. N-list, shodhganga, Inflibnet, JSTOR etc. are provided free of cost.

During the academic year 2020-2021, the college was equipped with 100 percent smart rooms with the LMS facilities (MS Teams) but this is primarily in response to the challenge of the pandemic.


Year-wise number of students enrolled, full time teachers on roll


2 The college has evolved a mentoring system for handling the academic & stress related issues of students. The mentoring system is of utmost importance as mentors have provided the academic, emotional as well as financial support to the needy students.

Mentors have given career counselling sessions to the students and have tried to manage the stress levels of students by resolving the issues related to sexual harassment also. The mentor-mentee ratio is 1:30 in our college.



Mentor-Mentee list



Key Indicator - 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

Metric No.




Total number of full time teachers and total number of sanctioned posts during last five years



Additional information:

Copy of Roaster




Total number of full-time teachers with PhdD.M./M.Ch./.D.N.B superspeciality / D.Sc./ D. Litt. during last five years

 Total number of full time  teachers 



Name and number of full time teachers with years of teaching experience 



Additional information:

Institutional data in prescribed format

  2.4.3 DVV.xlsx




Key Indicator - 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

Metric No.






Teaching-Learning and Evaluation

 The mechanism for Internal Assessment works on the lines of University of Delhi guidelines from time to time. A fully functional Moderation committee functions in this regard whose members are from the Staff Council. The Marks of Internal Assessment (IA) is uploaded on the college website for perusal of students which ensures transparency in the mechanism of IA. The IA is conducted according to the University norms in the middle of the semester. Before the pandemic, one component for 10% weightage (Assignment) was taken before the mid-semester break and 1 component for the other 10% weightage (Test or Presentation) was taken after the mid-semester break. The 5% marks for attendance was marked around the last week of the semester. During the pandemic, the one component of  IA which carries 25% weightage takes place during the end of the semester, the marks for which are displayed on the college website for the students to check for any discrepancy.



The college doesn’t have an Internal Examination system as the college follows an Internal Assessment system. As per university guidelines related to examination college follows semester examination system under CBCS as per University rules.




Key Indicator - 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcome

Metric No.




Learning outcomes of all courses offered by various departments



The curriculum framework is as per University of Delhi, in function with LOCF (LEARNING OUTCOME BASED CURRICULUM FRAMEWORK) AND CBCS (CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM). The mechanism of communication of the Programme Outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes is transparent as all the teachers and students are aware of the stated programmes and course outcomes of the programmes.

All the attributes and learning outcomes of the Undergraduate programmes are described to the students in general at the time of Orientation programme to make them aware of the objectives of each course. The students are then introduced about the stated programmes and their specific outcomes at the commencement of classes where every teacher spends a few lectures to introduce the course and alongside describes the course outcomes also.


Attainment of course outcomes by various departments and Result year-wise of all courses



The college emphasizes on  holistic development of the students.

The CO, PO &PSO’s are displayed on the college website. During the 3 year college learning process the students are trained and equipped with the disciplinary knowledge, practical exposure, critical, analytical and rational thinking as important skills. Students develop conceptual and theoretical knowledge which supplements the disciplinary knowledge and are used as employment oriented skills. To evaluate programme outcomes at the end of third year, tools used are university semester examinations (online/physical mode), class test and paper presentation that suffice the motto. For the purpose of course outcomes the 6th semester results are analyzed by each department teaching the papers respectively mentioned in grade points. 


Total number of students appeared and passed in final year examination year wise

Additional Information:

Institutional data in prescribed format



Key Indicator - 2.7 Database of all currently enrolled students

Metric No.




Database of all currently enrolled students